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November 12 and 13, Philadelphia PA

NUON-Dome is heading back to Philly again this year, to the show formerly known as PhillyClassic - VGXPO. This time around I will be bringing along the 3D Stooges, authors of Gorf 3D/Pluz/Classic for multiple platforms including the Jaguar and NUON. We'll all be sharing a table in the Non-Profit/Collector area so stop by the Fort Washington Expo Center and check out what we'll be showing off. Here's a sample of what you can look forward to! (for more info on the show, click here )

Visitors to the table will also have a chance to win an autographed copy of the NUON Games+Demos disc!

Invs and Katapila - new NUON games in development by DragonShadow Industries

Gorf Classic for the Jaguar CD by 3D Stooges

Mad Bodies for the Jaguar by Force Design

Mighty Frog by Force Design

More to come - stay tuned!

NUON-Dome and its contents are © 2000-2023 Kevin Manne and Wes Powell. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction of any content, writings or images, in whole or part, without permission is prohibited. NUON(tm) and the NUON logo are trademarks of Genesis Microchip, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This website is not affiliated with Genesis Microchip, Inc.